On 5 October 2011 Justice Barrett of the Supreme Court of NSW handed down a decision in Centro Retail Limited and Centro MCS Manager Limited in its capacity as Responsible Entity of the Centro Retail Trust [2011] NSWSC 1175 (“Centro”) where he found that the responsible entity of Centro Retail Trust would be justified in modifying the constitution of the trust without unitholder approval to a insert a provision permitting the issue of units at a price different to that provided for by the pre-existing provisions.
It is quite a thing for the law to remove from owners the rights normally associated with ownership and to confer them on receivers.
Which is why, although receivers are allowed considerable discretion in the exercise of their duties, they are also subject to oversight by the courts.
So how much freedom of manoeuvre do they have, and when will the court intervene? We look at a recent decision1 in the Australian Federal Court and consider its relevance for New Zealand insolvency practitioners.
Justice Heath issued a sweeping judgment last month limiting the ability of liquidators to examine witnesses and seek documents. In the decision, ANZ National Bank Ltd v Sheahan and Lock [2012] NZHC 3037, the Court also: