Tough trading conditions
A referral to the financial list!
In GSO Credit v Barclays Bank plc, the Commercial Court has given guidance on the interpretation of terms in, but not directly defined by, standard Loan Market Association (LMA) documentation which was used in the context of secondary trading of a commitment under a surety bonds facility.
Where a company brings a claim against its directors for losses caused by their wrongdoing, the Supreme Court has confirmed the established position that directors cannot escape the claim by arguing that their actions are attributed to the company itself on the basis that the directors were acting as the agents of the company.
- The Court of Appeal has given guidance to insolvent companies about whether to commence an adjudication.
- There is an important distinction to be drawn between a company in a CVA and one in liquidation.
- Parties need to be careful when making general reservations to an adjudicator's jurisdiction.
What's it about?
Garcia v Marex Financial Ltd [2018] EWCA Civ 1468
The Court of Appeal has for the first time applied the rule against reflective loss to claims by creditors. The rule had in the past only been used to prevent claims by shareholders against directors, where the losses claimed by the shareholders reflected those suffered by the company.
Orexim Trading Limited v (1) Mahavir Port and Terminal Private Limited ("MPT") (2) Singmalloyd Marine (S) PTE Limited ("Singmalloyd") (3) Zen Shipping and Ports India Private Limited ("Zen") [2018]
In a decision that will be of particular interest to creditors and insolvency practitioners contemplating section 423 Insolvency Act claims against defendants based outside the EU, the Court of Appeal has refused a claimant permission to serve a claim out of the jurisdiction.
In Ziggurat (Claremont Place) LLP v HCC International Insurance Company plc [2017] EWHC 3286 (TCC) the court considered a claim under an amended ABI Model Form Guarantee Bond.
As a result of a bespoke clause the Contractor's insolvency was enough to trigger recovery under the Bond, but if a breach of contract was required, the Contractor was in breach of the contract by failing to pay the amount due to the Employer following insolvency.
The Pugachev tale
It is now clear that the Pensions Regulator will take a much tougher approach in future towards employers and scheme funding. The new approach comes after a select committee of MPs looking into the BHS collapse criticised the Regulator for being reactive, slow-moving and reluctant to exercise its powers.
The two key areas where we expect the Regulator to be more aggressive are scheme funding and "moral hazard" powers.
The Technology and Construction Court in England has refused pre-action disclosure of the insurance policy of a currently solvent insured, notwithstanding that a successful claim would have resulted in the insolvency of the insured.
Factual background