English schemes of arrangement (Schemes) have become a useful and established procedure for restructuring the debts of foreign companies incurred under English law finance documents. For an overview of why they are useful and how they work, see our July 2011 article "Financial restructurings of foreign companies through English schemes of arrangement".


Lending to a foreign company? If you choose English law to govern your facility documents and provide for the English court to have exclusive jurisdiction, an English scheme may be a viable means of restructuring the debt later, if the need arises.


Treasury has announced the next stage of withdrawal of government support for Northern Rock. It will end its guarantee on wholesale liabilities in three months' time, earlier than planned.


ISDA has written to Treasury on its plans to make insolvency regulations in relation to investment banks. It supports Treasury's plan to take legislative steps only if market practice and regulatory approaches do not work. It endorses the view that sophisticated counterparties should have as much flexibility as possible. It notes the interaction of any regime for investment banks with existing regimes must be clear but does not currently see a compelling case for changes to the current regime.


What are the principal types of insolvency proceedings?


It is an unfortunate reality that the current pandemic and associated recession will result in the collapse of many businesses, with sectors including retail, hospitality and travel likely to be particularly hard hit. One report by a leading consultancy estimates that half a million UK companies are at risk.


The Pre-Action Protocol for Debt Claims comes into force on 1 October 2017. This note deals with the key elements to be aware of.


While the Protocol is named the Pre-Action Protocol for Debt Claims the first thing to note is that it only applies to businesses claiming payment of debts from an individual (including individual sole traders) and does not apply to business-to-business debts.


Following Parliamentary approval in March 2015, this Implementation Timetable sets out the key dates and changes which have been published to date on the insolvency provisions of the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act. This timetable was updated in October 2015.

We will, of course, provide confirmation and updates as and when further guidance is published.

The Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act

When will the insolvency-related provisions come into force?


FRC has issued guidance to banks' directors on financial reporting of solvency and liquidity risks, and the definition of going concern, in the context of post-crisis reforms and central bank and government support. (Source: Guidance for Directors of Banks)
