Royal Decree Law 4/2014, intended to promote efficiency in Spanish insolvency proceedings, is officially enacted with some important updates.

The Spanish legislature has finally enacted Royal Decree Law 4/2014 (the March Reform). Now known as Law 17/2014, of 30 September (the Act), the new law implements urgent measures regarding refinancing and restructuring of corporate debt. In addition to formally enacting the March Reform, the Spanish legislature included a few updates that are worth highlighting.

Pre-Insolvency Communication


The lender’s credit in respect of the joint-and-several guarantor declared insolvent is contingent unless existence of p


Rescission of an extension to a mortgage granted by the insolvent company securing a preexisting debt of a company of its group


On Friday 5 September, the Spanish Council of Ministers approved Royal Decree Law 11/2014, of 5 September, regarding urgent measures on insolvency. The Royal Decree Law brings in a series of significant reforms to the Spanish Insolvency Act 22/2003, of 9 July (the "Insolvency Act"). The new Royal Decree Law entered into force on 7 September 2014.  


Pocas veces una legislación “moderna” (recordemos que el texto original de la Ley Concursal es de 2003) ha sido objeto de tanta modificación (en sus diez años de vigencia lleva más de 16 modificaciones). Lo que es seguro es que no será la última, de hecho en las próximas semanas verá la luz la Ley por la que se adoptan medidas urgentes en materia de refinanciación y reestructuración de deuda empresarial (procedente del Real Decreto-ley 4/2014, de 7 de marzo), un auténtico ejemplo de “reforma de la reforma”.

  1. Introduction

On 7 September 2014, Royal Decree Act 11/2014 on urgent measures in insolvency matters (“RD 11/2014”) came into force, introducing important changes in the Spanish Insolvency Act (“SIA”), especially regarding incourt proceedings, whether within a composition or a liquidation stage. This piece of legislation followed Royal Decree 4/2014 (“RD 4/2014), which introduced equivalent measures for preinsolvency restructurings.


On September 5, 2014, Spain enacted urgent measures to facilitate restructurings and avoid the insolvency of companies that, under the previous regime, might have been forced to enter into an insolvency process ("RDl 11/2014"). RDl 11/2014 modifies several provisions of the Spanish Insolvency Act (the "Act"). The objective of the reform is to improve the legal framework that governs voluntary arrangements between creditors and the sale of distressed businesses outside of insolvency by removing obstacles that have previously impeded the successful reorganization of insolvent companies.


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  1. Tanto el salario como las indemnizaciones por despido gozan de una serie de garantías en el art. 32 del Estatuto de los Trabajadores (LET).