In light of the implementation of various community quarantine measures brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, many business establishments were either prevented from operating or permitted with limited operational capacity. As a result, many entrepreneurs incurred significant financial losses. Due to the uncertainty of the resolution of the pandemic, and to thwart further losses, many businesses were constrained to cease their operation and finally close.
However, it is worthy to note that the law provides for a remedy other than business closure.
1 Out-of-Court or Informal Restructuring Agreements and Rehabilitation Plans As A Cost-Efficient Alternative to Debtor-Initiated Court-Supervised Proceedings in Rehabilitation Joseph Anthony P. Lopez Karla Regina D. Valera-Chua The novel COVID-19 virus pandemic has led to several debilitating effects in the whole world. It is not only impacting the health system, but it is undeniably taking a huge toll on the economy as well.
The world has been experiencing a massive downturn over the recent months because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Locally, the Philippine government has reactively imposed community quarantine measures of varying degrees. The actions taken have resulted in disruptions in the operations of businesses, which, in turn, have caused significant adverse consequences to economic activity and growth.
As business and commerce becomes increasingly cross-border in nature, it is important for businesses to have knowledge of restructuring and insolvency regimes of foreign jurisdictions. This is particularly relevant in the Southeast Asia region, given the close connection and links amongst the Southeast Asian states.
テーマ: 【タイ】仲裁手続に関するクラス・アクション制度の創設 【インドネシア】Eコマース事業に関する新たな商業大臣規制の制定 【ミャンマー】 (1): モン州における新経済特区の開発計画の公表 (2): 最近の商業省の動き 【マレーシア】COVID-19影響軽減のための暫定措置法案提出 【シンガポール】倒産・リストラクチャリング・解散法の施行 【フィリピン】遠隔地からの株主総会及び取締役会への出席
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