Statutory demands in the British Virgin Islands have long been a useful option for creditors of defaulting companies. Properly utilised, they either secure payment of the outstanding debt or provide the creditor with the benefit of a statutory presumption of insolvency to assist in their application to appoint a liquidator over the company.
This briefing note focuses on the solvent liquidation of non-regulated BVI companies.
The voluntary liquidation of a solvent BVI company is regulated by the BVI Business Companies Act, as amended (BCA). The BCA applies to all companies that have been incorporated, re-registered (whether voluntarily or automatically) or continued as BVI companies under the BCA.
This Spring will see the introduction of a number of landmark developments in Jersey’s statutory insolvency regimes, which will further solidify Jersey’s reputation as a leading offshore location for businesses.
Following a consultation process by government, the Jersey legislature has now approved a number of important changes to the corporate insolvency regimes under the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991 (the “CJL”).
On 21 October 2021, the Cayman Islands' legislature gazetted the Companies (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Bill) which introduced a new corporate restructuring process in the Cayman Islands (Cayman). The Bill represents a welcome development to the restructuring regime in the Cayman Islands and once again fortifies the Cayman Islands' standing reputation as a leading offshore financial hub and a popular destination for foreign investment opportunities.
This briefing note explains the distinction between the concepts of dividends and distributions before setting out the main steps involved in paying out dividends and distributions under The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 as amended (the “Companies Law”).
The Cayman Islands' legislature has gazetted the Companies (Amendment) Bill 2021 ("Bill") which introduces a new corporate restructuring process and creates a role for a dedicated restructuring officer in the Cayman Islands.
Appointing provisional liquidators is a powerful tool, but one which often has a serious impact on the commercial operations and business reputation of a company, and so is not a step to be taken lightly. This article examines recent judicial trends in the Cayman Islands regarding the appointment of provisional liquidators, and in particular, in relation to the balance of justice that needs to be weighed as between a petitioner and the company.
Carey Olsen is proud to have sponsored the 7th annual INSOL International Channel Islands Seminar which took place in Jersey on 14 September 2021.
The seminar, which provided a welcome opportunity for insolvency practitioners and advisers to reconnect in person, showed why Jersey and Guernsey remain leading locations for structuring complex financial transactions and for the secured lending market.
The following key points were amongst or relate to those discussed at the seminar.
No pandemic-driven barriers to enforcement
Trilogy Management Limited v White Willow (Trustees) Limited and Others, 13 May 2021