Everyone loves money, particularly spending it! Buying new toys or new clothes which make you look and feel good is important for your confidence and self-esteem. But how do you know if you’re good with money or not? Even if you get paid plenty of money doesn’t suggest you’re good with it. There are lots of successful individuals who have significant problems with money simply because they weren’t familiar with the warning signs.


Bankruptcy is not something that many people want to hear about. In 2017, the words bankruptcy and insolvency still have negative connotations that many people fear. But, this fear often comes from a place of misunderstanding. Although bankruptcy may seem like a complete dead end to many, the fact of the matter is, bankruptcy (both personal and business) can often lead to a clean slate and a fresh start for many.


There’s no doubt that are some serious financial repercussions in declaring bankruptcy, and there’s no question that your life will go through some considerable changes. If you’re in this situation, don’t be alarmed. The challenging economic times observed today means that a growing number of individuals are filing for bankruptcy. In reality, there are around 20,000 Australians every year that declare bankruptcy. So rest assured, you’re not alone.


For many Australians superannuation can be an individual’s largest asset, the feeling of losing it when filing for bankruptcy is a very authentic concern for most of our clients. With certain components of the economy doing considerably well and other components enduring difficult economic times, bankruptcy numbers in Australia still continue to increase. Economists don’t speak about Australia’s two-speed economy much anymore, but it definitely still is two-speed.
