In this article, consultant John Greenfield, partner David Jones and associate Steven Balmer, examine innovative mechanisms by which creditors may seek to investigate secure assets held in Guernsey structures. In the second part of the article, the authors look particularly at companies and how the traditional insolvency regimes may be employed in aid of creditors but also at how the use of share security may unlock certain doors.


Statutory demands are often conflated with other debt recovery mechanisms available to creditors. Whilst a statutory demand may, in certain circumstances, be a useful tool in the debt recovery kit, its primary function is to establish whether a company can pay its debts as they fall due i.e. whether it satisfies the “cash flow test”.

In Guernsey, a company must pass both the cash flow and balance sheet solvency tests to meet the definition of solvency.


This briefing looks at the potential impact of the coronavirus COVID-19 on businesses and examines steps that can be taken by stakeholders and directors to recognise, manage and mitigate the risks. In particular, we look at: the potential impact on businesses; managing insolvency risk; considerations for directors; and considerations for lenders.

Global outlook for the coronavirus situation