30 January 2019 marks the seventh anniversary of when the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) started to apply and, as registrations against serial numbers and/or consumer property can only have a duration of 7 years, that means those types of registrations (if made in 2012) will expire automatically this year unless they are renewed.

If you have made registrations on the PPS register that are for a period of 7 years (or less):


A recent decision of the Victorian Court of Appeal (handed down on 14 July 2016) highlights a number of areas in which conflicts can arise in a commercial transaction involving multiple secured parties and the extent to which the interests of lower-ranked secured parties need to be considered when the proceeds are dealt with.

The case - Nom de Plume


The Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) (PPSA) came into effect on 30 January 2012 and has introduced major changes for businesses that lease or hire personal property. If you lease or hire personal property it is vital that you understand how the PPSA affects your business, including what additional steps you need to take to protect your property and the consequences for not doing so, especially as the PPSA’s transitional provisions will end shortly.

What does the PPSA mean for your business?
