Chapter 15 of the Bankruptcy Code provides a valuable tool for non-US entities going through foreign insolvency proceedings when they have assets located in the United States. Chapter 15 can protect the value of US assets by granting a stay of actions against those assets during the concurrent administration of a complementary US insolvency process with that of the original foreign insolvency proceeding.


In In re CII Parent, Inc.,1 the Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware affirmed a secured lender’s prepetition exercise of its proxy rights and its subsequent removal and replacement of the directors/managers of the debtor’s non-bankrupt subsidiaries, effectively cutting off the debtor’s ability to pursue effective relief in the bankruptcy case.


Chapter 15 of the Bankruptcy Code provides a valuable tool for non-US entities going through foreign insolvency proceedings when they have assets located in the United States. Chapter 15 can protect the value of US assets by granting a stay of actions against those assets during the concurrent administration of a complementary US insolvency process with that of the original foreign insolvency proceeding.
