The Minister of Finance and the Minister of Security and Justice are holding a joint consultation on a bill introducing special measures against financial


The Act amending the Financial Markets Supervision Act and the Bankruptcy Act (Wet tot wijziging van de Wet op het financieel toezicht en de Faillissementswet) in connection with consolidation of claims on the estate in the event of emergency regulations, moratorium on payments and bankruptcy, and requests for compensation on the grounds of the Safety Net Scheme entered into force on 16 March 20091.


On 1 March 2009, the Guideline on Investigation and Prosecution of Bankruptcy Fraud (Aanwijzing opsporing en vervolging faillissementsfraude; the “Guideline”) entered into force. The Guideline contains rules for the Public Prosecution Office (Openbaar Ministerie) to increase the prosecution of bankruptcy fraud. The Guideline indicates that criminal law will be complementary to the civil law instruments that a receiver (curator) has in bankruptcy proceedings. The Guideline further provides for cooperation between the Public Prosecution Office and receivers.
