Belgium is finally about to transpose Directive 2019/2023 on preventive restructuring frameworks and regulated pre-pack proceedings are now accessible.
European and Belgian legislative developments
Insolvency law has experienced significant activity in recent years, both at European level and at Belgian level, in favour of a paradigm shift of restructuring through pre-pack proceedings instead of liquidation.
As requested by practitioners for several months, the legislator has finally amended the Belgian Code of Economic Law to complete the range of tools available to companies in distress to allow them achieve their financial recovery. The publication of these amendments in the Belgian Official Gazette took place on Friday 26 March 2021, making them effective immediately.
The main amendments are as follows:
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, many measures have already been taken to support the economy as much as possible during these turbulent times. It is already clear that the impact will be enormous and that the cash buffer built up by some companies will not be enough to survive this crisis. Measures such as deferrals on paying tax and social debts, temporary unemployment due to economic reasons and the Belgian State’s guarantee scheme for bank loans will not suffice for some.
In order to secure the protection of judicial reorganization, the debtor needs to attach to the petition for judicial reorganization a certain number of documents provided for in article 17 § 2 of the Law on the continuity of enterprises (LCE). If these documents are not attached to the petition, the LCE provides that the petition shall be deemed inadmissible.
La principale innovation de la loi du 27 mai 2013 modifiant la loi du 31 janvier 2009 sur la continuité des entreprises (« LCE ») réside dans le renforcement considérable des missions dévolues aux professionnels du chiffre.
Dès lors que la pratique révèle que le recours à la réorganisation judiciaire est souvent trop tardif, le législateur a été soucieux que les dirigeants soient informés suffisamment tôt des menaces qui pèsent sur la continuité de leur entreprise.
Le créancier d’une société déclarée en faillite doit effectuer une déclaration de créances auprès du greffe du tribunal de commerce qui a déclaré la faillite en mentionnant le montant de sa créance et le privilège éventuel dont il peut se prévaloir. Dans l’hypothèse où le produit de la réalisation des actifs de la société faillie/en liquidation est suffisant, ce privilège permettra de récupérer à l’issue de la procédure de faillite un éventuel dividende.
La Cour d’appel de Mons a encore récemment rappelé la responsabilité attachée à la fonction de liquidateur d’une société commerciale.
Under European law, there are no general rules whit respect to the liability of a holding company for the debts of its insolvent subsidiary.
The Council Regulation (EC) N° 1346/2000 of 29 May 2000 on insolvency proceedings only provides for a common framework for insolvency proceedings in the European Union (EU). The harmonised rules on insolvency proceedings intend to prevent assets or judicial proceedings being transferred from one EU country to another for the purposes of obtaining a more favourable legal position to the detriment of creditors (“forum shopping”).
Afin de pallier à certains manquements de la LCE et de remédier à certains abus, le législateur a décidé de modifier certaines dispositions de la LCE en adoptant une loi modificative qui ne remet pas fondamentalement cause les principes généraux de la LCE et son intérêt. Certains éléments méritent toutefois que l’on s’y arrête.