The liability of shareholders of French companies

Delphine Caramalli and Guilhem Bremond ask what liabilities shareholders of French companies are exposed to in cases of bankruptcy No statutory rules on shareholders liability as such exist under French law but, in certain circumstances, French judges can hold shareholders liable should the company they invested in be liquidated as a result of a bankruptcy proceeding. Article L.
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Group Updates Spring 2014

Turnaround Wing: Proudly looking back to its 5th birthday in Paris 2013 We were again an important part of the technical programme with two sessions (“Shipping industry – the perfect storm?”; “Why do restructurings fail?”) which were both well attended and well received. Our Business meeting on Friday evening was well attended not only because of free wine and snacks... At this meeting we discussed future goals of this tremendously important group within INSOL Europe.
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GlobalINSOLvency Editorial Board

SAUR (Société d’Aménagement Urbain et Rural), France’s third largest private water company, has successfully completed a restructuring of its €1.8 billion debt with a rare thing in that country – a lender-led debt-for- equity swap of an LBO.
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A Value Play: Chapter 11 Mergers and Acquisitions

Chapter 11 is known as a forum for reorganising or selling a financially distressed business. Chapter 11 allows companies to reject burden some contractual obligations, to shed non-core assets, and to “cleanup” the balance sheet by writing off unsecured debt.
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