AIFMD regime comes into effect: things to know for fund managers active in or into the Netherlands / AIFMD-regime in werking: aandachtspunten voor beheerders die actief zijn op de Nederlandse markt

As of today, 22 July 2013, the regime of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive ("AIFMD") applies in the Netherlands. The AIFMD introduces harmonized requirements for managers of a wide variety of investment institutions that do not constitute undertakings for collective investment in transferrable securities ("UCITS"), and which are marketed to professional investors in the EU. These include private equity funds, hedge funds and real estate funds. Dutch national law provides for additional rules on marketing to retail investors.
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Spain Report

According to the latest report from the SpanishNational Statistics Institute (Instituto Nacional de Estadística: Estadística del Procedimiento Concursal (EPC),Cuarto trimestre de 2012.
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Belangrijke wijzigingen Awb per 1 juli 2013 / Important amendments to Dutch General Administrative Law Act effective 1 July 2013

Per 1 juli 2013 is een aantal belangrijke wijzigingen van de Algemene wet bestuursrecht ("Awb") in werking getreden. Een deel van de Wet nadeelcompensatie en schadevergoeding bij onrechtmatige besluiten ("Wns") is in werking getreden, namelijk het deel dat ziet op schadevergoeding wegens onrechtmatige overheidsbesluiten. Voorts is het tweede deel van de Wet aanpassing bestuursrecht ("Wab") in werking getreden waardoor het incidenteel hoger beroep is geïntroduceerd in het bestuursprocesrecht.
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Commission on the Structure of Dutch Banks publishes its report "Towards a serviceable and stable banking system"

28 June 2013 the Commission on the Structure of Dutch Banks (the "Commission") published its report "Towards a serviceable and stable banking system". The Commission analyses the current stance of affairs in the Dutch banking landscape and provides eleven recommendations to improve serviceability and stability of the Dutch banking sector. In this newsletter we will provide you with some background on the Commission and its report and we will summarize its recommendations.
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Republic of Belarus Report

A new Act “On Insolvency (bankruptcy)” was signed by the President of the Republic of Belarus on 13 July 2012 (hereinafter, the Act), that has been put in force on 25 January 2013.
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