Analysis - Argentine Crisis Survivors: Greece Should Take Heed

Protests outside the palace, IMF warnings to cut spending, people in suits avoiding the mob, fear of a run on the banks, the spectre of default, a currency fixed to a much stronger economy: Greece, 2011, or Argentina, 2001? "Que se vayan todos!" (They must all go!) was the slogan of the protesters forcing out the Argentine president who locked away their bank savings, triggering default and devaluation.
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IP Qualifications Profiles January 2011 - Argentina

Insolvency legislation is a federal law and is therefore applied throughout the country. The Bankruptcy Act (‘Ley de Concursos y quiebras’, in Spanish) is part of the Commercial Code, which is also a federal law. Only Certified Public Accountants (CPAs or ‘Contadores Públicos Nacionales’, in Spanish) are appointed as Trustees in Bankruptcy by the court of original jurisdiction, out of a list of CPAs registered with the Appellate Court or the Supreme Court of each Federal State.
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