
The mission of the International Monetary Fund is starting its work in Ukraine for the second review of the Fund-supported programme, the global lender said on Wednesday, Reuters reported. Ukraine hopes that the continuation of cooperation with the IMF can reassure markets that have been rattled by tensions with Russia and that the talks will result in disbursement of $700 million under its $5 billion IMF programme.
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U.S. President Joe Biden unleashed sanctions targeting Russia’s sale of sovereign debt abroad and the country’s elites, responding to what he described as the start of Vladimir Putin’s invasion of neighboring Ukraine, Bloomberg News reported. “He’s setting up a rationale to take more territory by force,” Biden said Tuesday at the White House. “This is the beginning of a Russian invasion of Ukraine.” Biden said that he’s sending an unspecified number of additional U.S. troops to the Baltics in a defensive move to defend NATO countries.
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Germany and the European Union are in a position to decide on further sanctions against Russia in the event of a complete Russian invasion of Ukraine, which cannot be ruled out, Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Tuesday, Reuters reported. Scholz said Russia's recognition of the two breakaway regions of Luhansk and Donetsk in eastern Ukraine was not compatible with international law and endangered the sovereignty of Ukraine. "We cannot accept this," Scholz was quoted as saying by broadcaster RTL, adding that respecting borders was important for peace in Europe.
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A possible Russian invasion of Ukraine is threatening to deepen a continuing economic crisis in nearby Turkey, which faces the prospect of soaring energy prices and disrupted trade with its two Black Sea neighbors in the event of war, the Wall Street Journal reported. Turkey’s economy has already been shaken by inflation that is among the highest in the world, after a series of unorthodox economic steps and a collapse of the currency’s value over the past year. Turkey is dependent on imported Russian oil and natural gas, as well as tourists from both countries.
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The U.S. is considering offering Ukraine up to $1 billion in sovereign loan guarantees to help Ukraine’s economy amid pressures from the Russian military build-up, a senior Biden administration official said on Monday, Reuters reported. The White House official was confirming what a source familiar with the matter had earlier recounted to Reuters about a conversation by national security adviser Jake Sullivan with congressional leaders.
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Ukraine is betting that foreign aid and improved tax collection during an economic rebound will help it weather the financial tensions resulting from warnings by the U.S. and its allies of a potential Russian invasion, Bloomberg News reported. President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has said the U.S. and western media are undermining Ukraine’s economy by spreading “information panic” about the risk of a Russian attack. The government in Kyiv insists the more than 100,000 Russian troops massed at the borders aren’t enough for a full-scale invasion -- and the Kremlin denies any such plans.
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NATO allies are bolstering the alliance’s eastern flank in response to Russia’s military buildup around Ukraine, as the European Union set out plans for loans and grants for Kyiv worth more than $1.3 billion, the Wall Street Journal reported. The moves are part of sharpening efforts by the U.S. and its allies to gird for what they believe could be an imminent military invasion of Ukraine, which Russia denies it is planning.
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Ukraine's central bank raised its main interest rate to 10% from 9% on Thursday, crossing into double digits for the first time since April 2020, to try to tackle persistently high inflation and the economic fallout from a standoff with Russia, Reuters reported. The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) said it could hike rates again at its next policy meeting in March and signalled that monetary conditions would remain moderately tight. It would also increase banks' reserve requirements next month.
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Ukrainian sovereign dollar bonds tumbled into distress territory and Russian bonds suffered sharp falls on Monday as fears of another Russian military foray into Ukraine showed no sign of easing, Reuters reported. The premium investors demand to hold Ukraine bonds over safe-haven U.S. Treasuries as measured by the JPMorgan EMBI Global Diversified index surged past 1,000 basis points for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic emerged in March 2020.
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President Biden warned Russian President Vladimir Putin that the U.S. and its allies would meet a military escalation into Ukraine with a series of actions, including strong economic measures, bolstering Ukrainian defenses and fortifying support for Eastern European nations, as allies work together to prevent renewed conflict in Eastern Europe, the Wall Street Journal reported. For more than two hours on Tuesday, the leaders held a secure video call to address what the U.S. has described as large and unusual troop movement near Russia’s border with Ukraine in recent weeks. The U.S.
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