
Russian state development bank VEB will need state funds in the second quarter of this year, its chairman Vladimir Dmitriev was quoted as saying on Friday, after the bank was granted an extension on some of its liabilities late last year, Reuters reported. Russian authorities had previously been considering a package of as much as 1.2 trillion roubles ($15.2 billion) to VEB over a couple of years, to help the state bank to deal with bad loans and pay off some of its debt.
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Russia's central bank said on Thursday it had revoked the licence of Vneshprombank, a major mid-sized bank whose collapse is one of the a largest-ever in Russia, Reuters reported. The central bank said it had closed the bank, one of the top 40 by assets, after discovering it had a hole in its balance sheet estimated at 187.4 billion roubles ($2.3 billion). The move underscores the growing strain on the country's banking sector as an economic slump is exacerbated by plunging oil prices.
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Russia will cut interest rates on the central bank's deposits in ailing state development bank Vnesheconombank (VEB), said Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, Reuters reported today. The proposal is part of measures aimed at helping the ailing bank, which has been hit by Western sanctions over Moscow's role in the Ukraine crisis and is facing bad loans and heavy external debt repayments. The ministry previously proposed to also extend the National Wealth Fund's (NWF) deposits in VEB for five years and to cut interest rate on these deposits.
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Russia's finance ministry has proposed to extend the National Wealth Fund's deposits in state development bank Vnesheconombank (VEB) for five years, Reuters reported today. The ministry also suggested that the government should extend the Fund's deposits in VEB at an interest rate of no less than 0.25 percent with a three-year grace period, the document published on the website for official drafts ( showed. Read more.
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A special working group must prepare by year-end measures for state support of VEB, Russia's state development bank, its chairman Vladimir Dmitriev said today, Reuters reported. The Russian authorities are considering support for VEB worth 1.2 trillion roubles ($16.85 billion) which aims to help it deal with bad loans and repay external debt. Dmitriev said that the bank was responsible for "certain tasks" which might negatively affect its balance sheet at some point, so the state must share responsibility for funding such operations and provide "other forms" of support if needed.
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Russia lashed out against the International Monetary Fund and the Ukrainian government on Wednesday as it prepares for a legal battle with Kiev over repayment of $3bn in Ukrainian debt, the Financial Times reported. Anton Siluanov, finance minister, said if Kiev failed to redeem the $3bn bond within 10 days of its December 20 maturity or accept a restructuring proposal tabled by President Vladimir Putin last month, Russia would sue Ukraine. “Well all right, go to court,” Mr Putin told Mr Siluanov in a televised government meeting.
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Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said on Wednesday that the ailing state development bank Vnesheconombank (VEB) should first sell some of its assets before the ministry gives it financial aid, Reuters reported. Siluanov previously said that the bank will need around $20 billion over the next few years. The government has been debating how to save the bank, with one of the proposals calling for its recapitalisation through domestic treasury bonds. "You must first use VEB's resources ... its accumulated assets," Interfax news agency cited Siluanov as saying.
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Russia's VTB bank has not yet decided whether to buy a stake in indebted steelmaker Mechel's Elga coal mine project together with Gazprombank, VTB's head Andrei Kostin said on Monday, Reuters reported. Kostin told journalists that VTB is waiting to hear whether state development bank Vnesheconombank (VEB) decides to finance the Elga project in Russia's far east. Should VEB decide not to issue a credit line to Elga, VTB will most likely decide against buying the miner's shares, Kostin added.
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President Vladimir Putin’s annual address to Russia’s parliament last week began with the expected rallying call to fight Islamist terrorism, and praise for the country’s military in Syria. He threatened to make Turkey “regret more than once” shooting down a Russian bomber last month. But then Mr Putin devoted much of his speech to domestic issues — above all, Russia’s growing economic difficulties, the Financial Times reported. Such attention is welcome, though words are not enough.
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