India's capital markets regulator Monday said it has received a request from the board of Satyam Computer Services Ltd. to ease rules relating to open offer pricing. Such a change, if granted, could pave the way for a takeover of the software exporter, The Wall Street Journal reported. The chairman of the Securities and Exchange Board of India told reporters that SEBI recognizes that there is a need to amend pricing norms for open offers to suit all situations.
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Satyam Computer Services Ltd. said it can keep operating in the wake of revelations its former chairman faked results--but it is strapped for cash and its investigation into the true state of its finances is being hampered by the absence of the chief financial officer, who has tendered his resignation. The chairman of the Securities & Exchange Board of India said officials from the markets regulator started arriving at Satyam Thursday to begin their probe, The Wall Street Journal reported.
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Factories in China and India joined much of Europe in slashing output and jobs at a record pace in December, another sign the biggest emerging markets were wilting under the recession gripping industrialized nations, Reuters reported. Economists and policymakers had seen China, Russia, India and Brazil, with their vast markets and rising wealth, as the engines of growth that could save the world from recession. Those hopes are fading fast and forecasts are getting gloomier.
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The Financial Times reported that, as a symbol of the extraordinary boom of the past decade, the rise of the big emerging economies rivalled the soaring US housing market. China led the way, followed at a slower pace by the likes of India and Brazil. Though they tried to insulate themselves against the boom-bust cycle by building up foreign exchange reserves, no amount of inoculation could render them completely immune to the virulence of the financial contagion that swept the world in September and October.
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The demand for gold in India reached an all-time high in the third quarter of 2008, reported Channel NewsAsia. With uncertainty in the financial markets, people in India have started relying on gold as a safe investment option. According to the World Gold Council of India, US$6.1 billion worth of gold was sold in the third quarter of 2008 in India, a jump of 66 percent compared to last year. The global demand for gold leapt by 18 per cent in the third quarter, boosted by sales in India.
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About 30 percent of Indian industrial metal importers have defaulted on consignments after prices slumped by more than half, the head of a trade body said on Wednesday. "Most of the importers are hit severely. Some importers who had taken bigger risks are not able to clear consignments from the ports," Surendra Mardia, president of the Bombay Metal Exchange (BME), told Reuters in an interview. The BME, with about 500 members, is the biggest association of non-ferrous metal traders in India.
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