Hong Kong

Kangaroo Island Abalone has received a State Government grant of $270,000 to upgrade electricity infrastructure at its east farm, The KI Islander reported. The farm has been run solely on diesel generated power since 2005 and general manager Justin Harman said the new infrastructure could halve the company’s annual diesel fuel bill for that farm. The company spends about $250,000 a year on diesel. The innovative new system will connect the farm to the main electricity grid but have the capacity to disconnect it when the load reaches network limit on Kangaroo Island.
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Bankruptcy petitions in Hong Kong continued to surge in September, rising 31 percent from a year earlier, despite an improving economic environment, government data showed on Friday. Bankruptcy petitions totalled 1,142 in September, up from 873 a year earlier, and increased from August, when 1,099 petitions were filed, although monthly figures are not seasonally adjusted.
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Bankruptcy petitions in Hong Kong rose by 33 percent in August from a year earlier, government data showed on Friday, as companies continued to grapple with weak business conditions, Reuters reported. However, petitions fell from the previous month for a third straight month. Bankruptcy petitions totalled 1,099 in August month, up from 824 a year earlier but down 25 percent from 1,475 petitions in July, although monthly figures are not seasonally adjusted. The annual pace of increase was slightly slower than in July when petitions rose 36 percent from a year earlier.
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The Chinese Ministry of Finance said Tuesday that it would issue 6 billion yuan worth of government bonds in Hong Kong, a major step to internationalize its currency at a time of concern about the dollar, The New York Times reported. The yuan bond issue, worth about $879 million, will “promote the yuan in neighboring countries,” the Finance Ministry said on its Web site, and "improve the yuan’s international status.” “The first step toward internationalization is regionalization,” Shi Lei, a foreign currency analyst at Bank of China in Beijing, said in an interview.
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Bankruptcy petitions in Hong Kong accelerated in June, surging 89 percent from a year earlier, government data showed on Friday, contrasting with other data suggesting the economy may be bottoming out, Reuters reported. Petitions also rose on a monthly basis after declining for the previous two months. Bankruptcy petitions totalled 1,619 last month, up from 857 a year ago and rising 14 percent from 1,417 in May, although monthly figures are not seasonally adjusted. The annual pace of increase was much faster than in May when petitions rose 54 percent from a year earlier.
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Bankruptcy petitions in Hong Kong in May jumped 54 percent from a year earlier, totalling 1,417, as the territory continued to struggle with economic recession, but they fell on a monthly basis for a second straight month, government data showed on Friday, Reuters reported. Bankruptcies in April totalled 1,490, up 56 percent from a year earlier. The number of bankruptcies in May was the lowest since January and marked only the third time since August that bankruptcy petitions, which give an indication of future bankruptcies, had fallen from the previous month.
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Li & Fung Ltd., which supplies retailers worldwide, declined in Hong Kong trading after client Arcandor AG, a German department-store operator, filed for insolvency, Bloomberg reported. Arcandor contributes about 5 percent, or $700 million, of Li & Fung’s sales, Managing Director William Fung said today. The Hong Kong company that’s the biggest supplier of clothes and toys to Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and Target Corp. said today it’s owed $5.4 million by Arcandor.
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Court-appointed administrators overseeing Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.'s global bankruptcy proceedings have signed a multilateral agreement allowing them to share information and coordinate the insolvency process as the financial services firm wends its way through more than 75 distinct bankruptcy filings, Bankruptcy Law360 reported.
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Bankruptcy petitions in Hong Kong in April jumped 56 percent from a year earlier, totalling 1,490, as the territory struggled with economic recession, although that was lowest monthly total since January, government data showed on Friday, Reuters reported. March bankruptcies totalled 1,872, a six-year high, while bankruptcies in April a year ago amounted to 957. The latest data marked only the second time since August that bankruptcy petitions, which give an indication of future bankruptcies, had fallen from the previous month.
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