
Ghana’s central bank has appointed accounting firm KPMG as administrator for Unibank to save it from imminent collapse, Governor Ernest Addison said on Tuesday, Reuters reported. The move, which follows central bank liquidations of two other local banks last year, will prevent losses to depositors and other creditors and ensure it does not create further risks to the wider financial system, Addison told reporters. Ghanaian-owned Unibank had suffered persistent cash shortfalls and regularly fell below cash reserve requirements, he said.
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The Ghana Association of Restructuring and Insolvency Advisors (GARIA) has cautioned of alarming consequences on Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) to Ghana, if efforts are not intensified to develop the country’s insolvency regime. GARIA argues that the current practice where businesses are compelled to shut down over huge debts, downgrades the country’s reputation in attracting investments. “It is important for Ghana to have a good regime so that in addition to all our democratic dividends, goodwill and political dividends, we will be able to attract FDIs to the country.
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Weeks after being rebuffed, Ghana has tapped the international bond market again in what will be an important test of a rally in emerging market debt fanned by investors’ scramble to escape the low-yield world of developed markets, the Financial Times reported. West Africa’s second-biggest economy will sell $750m at 9.25 per cent, according to a banker familiar with the sale, before US Federal Reserve officials meet on September 21, when there is a chance, albeit receding, that they will raise interest rates.
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The Ghana Association of Restructuring and Insolvency Advisors (GARIA) has called for the speedy passage of the Corporate Insolvency Bill which is currently before Cabinet into law, to prevent companies from premature liquidation, Ghana Business News reported. The Association is of the belief that an effective law on corporate insolvency would enable companies to fall on options to recuperate rather than closing the company, as is the common prescription under the country’s current laws. Mr.
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Ghana’s president has blamed the country’s economic malaise on government overspending just as the bottom fell out of the market for its main commodity exports, the Financial Times reported. In a reversal of fortunes that provides a cautionary tale for other natural resource-dependent emerging nations, John Mahama said “wage overruns” — a reference to public sector salaries that accounted for 72 per cent of government expenditure in 2012 — and huge energy subsidy bills fuelled the fiscal deficits that crippled Ghana’s economy.
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Ghana Finance Minister Seth Terkper said that the country wants to sign an agreement with the International Monetary Fund as soon as possible, helping reduce borrowing costs for the government, Bloomberg News reported yesterday. Slumping gold and cocoa prices eroded steps taken to narrow the budget gap and made targets to cut the deficit “too ambitious,” Terkper said. The IMF program will include support for balance of payments, he said.
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Ghana’s central bank is printing money to help finance the government’s budget deficit, threatening to fuel inflation and weaken a currency that’s already the worst performer in Africa this year, Bloomberg News reported. The first-quarter budget deficit of 2.1 percent of gross domestic product “was financed by the central bank, which provided funding equivalent to 10 percent of government revenue,” Carmen Altenkirch, an analyst at Fitch in London, said in an e-mailed statement today.
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