Many charities and associations have cash flow challenges, particularly in the current economic situation. They usually budget to break even financially. If some funding does not materialize as expected, they may be forced to close down. Their directors may be at financial risk as a result.
What follows are blackline documents outlining amendments to the BIA, CCAA and WEPP which have been passed by the government, but not yet proclaimed in force. It is hoped that these comparisons will serve as a useful tool in providing a comprehensive understanding of what the legislation will ultimately look like, when the proposed amendments are proclaimed in force.
What follows are blackline documents outlining amendments to the BIA, CCAA and WEPP which have been passed by the government, but not yet proclaimed in force. It is hoped that these comparisons will serve as a useful tool in providing a comprehensive understanding of what the legislation will ultimately look like, when the proposed amendments are proclaimed in force.