Unless you are a specialized lender who makes loans to debtors-in-possession, you do not make a loan with the expectation that your borrower is going to file bankruptcy. Although the number of bankruptcy filings in California and nationally is trending slightly lower, filings remain at higher than normal levels. Nearly every lender has received the notice of a bankruptcy filing that was unexpected and then faced decisions as to what to do next.


This past quarter end once again reminded us that the economy remains weak and borrowers who have managed to hang on for the past three or four years are running out of staying power. The topic again arose - what to do when a borrower files bankruptcy? Faced with the prospect of throwing good money after bad, some lenders bury their head in the sand and simply wait it out, often with terrible results. Others charge ahead aggressively and run up large legal bills that are not justified by the amount of the obligation or the difficulty of recovery.
