Two recent cases demonstrate the efficacy of existing restructuring regimes under Irish company law and more particularly that the Courts in Ireland are receptive and efficient in approving and implementing large multi-jurisdictional restructuring schemes.
Ballantyne – Scheme of Arrangement
There are a range of potential outcomes to the current Brexit negotiations. What would the impact on corporate recovery and insolvency be of a no-deal Brexit? It is important for all stakeholders, including businesses, lenders and investors to be aware of the difficulties that will arise in the event of a no-deal Brexit.
Key points if no-deal Brexit happens
Summary judgment refers to a process where judgment is given in a case at an early stage, without a full litigation process and without the need for a full trial. It is confined to specific circumstances. A plaintiff can apply for summary judgment where a defendant has entered an appearance or delivered a defence. Summary judgment is most commonly granted where the defendant has no bona fide defence to the claim made by the plaintiff.
There have been a number of recent developments regarding the current system of examinership and the legislation governing repossession and other lender’s rights. Norman Fitzgerald, Partner and Head of Eversheds’ Insolvency Group, discusses the proposed amendments and their likely impact.
Circuit Court Provisions for Examinership