Framework conditions for DLT/blockchain technology to be improved in Switzerland by Dr. Lukas Bopp & Prof. Dr. Daniel Staehelin

Switzerland is therefore one of the first countries in Europe to plan to adapt its legislation to developments in the technology of distributed electronic registers. The aim of the new legislation is to create the legal basis for Switzerland to further develop its position as a leading, innovative and sustainable location for block chain/distributed ledger technology (DLT) companies. The legislation project was launched in December 2018 with a report on the legal framework for block chain and DLT in the financial sector.

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Switzerland: Current projects and new laws

In Switzerland, there are currently two new insolvency- related legislation projects in the pipeline. One project intends to amend the current international insolvency law of Switzerland and to facilitate the recognition of foreign insolvency proceedings. The other aims to incentivise the implementation of reorganisation measures in companies at an early stage in order to avoid insolvency. Already enacted at the beginning of 2017 is a new legislation that provides an international jurisdiction for the freezing of assets belonging to an inheritance estate.
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Conyers Dill & Pearman - Alert - Bermuda: Solvency II

A new year signals a new beginning and the start of the year is traditionally a time when we approach the future with greater focus and new resolve. To help manage your time as you navigate the opportunities and challenges of the year ahead, we’ve grouped this month’s other articles into themes to help you find what you want from us faster.
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Insolvency & Restructuring - Switzerland

On January 1 2011 the Federal Code of Civil Procedure entered into force and replaced the procedural law statutes of the 26 Swiss cantons which previously governed procedural matters in their respective territorial areas of application.
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