Personal bankruptcy laws in Germany: Changes on the way

On 16 May 2013, the Act Shortening Residual Debt Discharge Proceedings and Strengthening the Rights of Creditors (“Gesetz zur Verkürzung des Restschuldbefreiungsver- fahrens und zur Stärkung der Gläubigerrechte”) was passed into law by the German parliament.
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German Landesbanken's Bailout And Restructuring So Far

The Landesbanken's transformation since the financial crisis of 2007-8 has not been as dramatic as experts expected, but there has been some movement, Reuters reported in a timeline. Banks have pared back the international operations and exotic investments that triggered so many losses, and have refocused on their grass roots German business.
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Exit Consents and Debt Restructuring

The High Court recently ruled on the use of exit consents in relation to an exchange offer as part of a debt restructuring where the original bond issue was governed by English law.
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