Ground-breaking Czech Supreme Court decision on balance-sheet insolvency by Petr Sprinz

The definition of insolvency is a key element of the insolvency law. It opens the gate for tools that enable creditors to safeguard their rights vis-à-vis their debtors. On 19 August 2019, the Czech Supreme Court published a ground-breaking decision which addresses a crucial aspect of balance-sheet insolvency. Many other issues, however, still remain unresolved.

As in other jurisdictions, the Czech Insolvency Act anticipates two forms of insolvency: cash-flow insolvency (illiquidity test) and balance-sheet insolvency (overindebtedness).

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Country reports from the Czech Republic and Germany by Petr Sprinz, Jiří Rahm, Michael Thierhoff and Axel Roth

The Czech Republic: In January, an amendment to the Bond Act came into effect. The amendment prepared by the Czech Ministry of Finance comprises new rules governing secured bonds as well as the introduction of a security agent in connection with bonds.

German ESUG: In 2012 the German legislator enacted a landmark reform of the German Insolvency Code aiming at three main goals...

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Debt relief under the amended Czech Insolvency Act

On 1 June 2017, a significant and extensive amendment to the Czech Insolvency Act came into force which brought, among other things, changes to debt relief as a means of resolving insolvency. The Insolvency Act in its previous manifestation determined that a debtor’s debt due to business operations does not prevent the resolution of the debtor’s bankruptcy by debt relief providing that the creditors of the corresponding receivables give their consent.
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Country report from the Netherlands

The Dutch Minister’s announcement of a multi-disciplinary approach to combat bankruptcy fraud has lead to a legislative programme that went into force last year, wherein the duty of the trustee is extended to combat bankruptcy fraud.
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Country Reports Spring 2017

The decision from the Court of Appeal was handed down on 1 March 2017 and has confirmed that if a trust is created by an IVA that trust will continue in the absence of specific terms to bring it to an end. This is despite a debtor having received his certificate of discharge and confirmation that he has no liability to IVA creditors.
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