Conyers Dill & Pearman - Alert - Mergers and Fair Value Petitions: Cayman Case Law Update

The Cayman Islands has recently seen a flurry of merger activity, in many instances as a result of listed entities seeking to engage in 'go private' deals involving companies incorporated in the jurisdiction. The statutory merger and consolidation process set out in Part XVI of the Companies Law (2016 Revision) (the “Law”) is an attractive and increasingly well-used option for effecting such deals.
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Conyers Dill & Pearman - Article - Firewalls, Families and Fiduciaries: New Cayman Case Law

To say the very least, matrimonial disputes can be a trying and traumatic state of affairs for all involved. Discord over custody, property and innumerable other matters can seem to endlessly plague family members, and related litigation often creeps across a variety of jurisdictions. Where a family trust is involved, the more contentious of marital disputes can quickly draw trustees into the ring for a bout over rights to information regarding, or even to assets held in, the trust.
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Regulatory Update for Cayman Islands Mutual Funds

Pursuant to The Mutual Funds (Annual Returns) Regulations, 2006 (as amended) (the “Existing Regulations”), all funds regulated under the Mutual Funds Law of the Cayman Islands are required to submit to the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (“CIMA”), a fund annual return (“FAR”) within six months of the fund’s financial year end. The FAR contains financial and operational information in respect of the fund and other general information as set out in the schedule to the Existing Regulations (the “Schedule”).
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Cayman Islands Shipping Registry Receives ‘Most Favoured Nation’ Status from China

The United Kingdom and Chinese governments have signed an agreement on behalf of the Cayman Islands which bestows ‘Most Favoured Nation’ status to Cayman Islands registered vessels entering Chinese ports. This agreement will boost the status and competitiveness of the Cayman Islands Shipping Registry (the “Registry”) by significantly reducing the port dues paid by Cayman Islands registered vessels trading into Chinese ports.
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