The short answer to the title question is “no.” However, under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (“Dodd-Frank” or the “Act”), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”) has limited “back-up” authority to place into liquidation an insurance company that (i) meets certain criteria as respects the nature of its business and (ii) is essentially “too big to fail.” This liquidation proceeding would, however, still be under the relevant state insurance liquidation laws.1
Filed under:
USA, Insolvency & Restructuring, Insurance, Chadbourne & Parke LLP, Shareholder, Consumer protection, Liquidation, Default (finance), Liquidator (law), Systemic risk, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (USA), Federal Reserve (USA), Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act 2010 (USA), US Code, Bank Holding Company Act 1956 (USA), US Secretary of the Treasury