On 23rd November 2016, the European Commission released a package of banking legislation reforms. Some of these were expected in particular those related to the minimum requirement for eligible liabilities and own funds (MREL) under the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD) and the implementation of the Financial Stability Board's (FSB) total loss absorbing capacity (TLAC) principles into the MREL requirements.


On 6 January 2011, the European Commission (the “Commission”) published a consultation paper on the technical details of a possible EU framework for bank recovery and resolution (the “Consultation Paper”).1 The paper follows the communication from the Commission dated 20 October 2010 on an EU framework for crisis management in the financial sector (the “Communication”).2


Making a will is regarded by most individuals as a necessary irritant ranking in popularity somewhere below a visit to the dentist or doctor. Following the unprecedented instability in the global financial markets since 2007, “systemic” risk (posed by the potential failure of large or complex cross-border financial institutions) was identified by regulators and legislators as one of the key areas requiring better supervision, in order to prevent a similar crisis in the future.
