Today, the draft bill on the continuity of companies II (Wet continuïteit ondernemingen II) went into public consultation. The bill is based on a proposal in 2013 by Ruud Hermans and Reinout Vriesendorp of De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek and was discussed with experts from stakeholders. The bill provides for a restructuring procedure inspired by international restructuring practices, in particular English scheme of arrangement and US Chapter 11 proceedings. The bill provides for one of the most significant amendments of the Dutch Bankruptcy Act in decades.
On 13 February 2009, the CDM Executive Board (CDM EB) adopted the procedures (the "Procedures") for modalities of communication (MoC) between project participants (PPs) in clean development mechanism (CDM) projects and the CDM EB, and a standardised MoC form (the "MoC Form").1 This Legal Alert gives an overview of the main elements of the Procedures and highlights certain insolvency issues related to the MoC.