The proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (SWD(2012) 416 and SWD(2012) 417) amending Council Regulation (EC) n°1346/2000 on insolvency proceedings aims to extend its scope of application by revising the definition of insolvency proceedings to include the proceedings in which the debtor retains some control albeit subject to the control / supervision by a court / a judicial administrator, including preinsolvency proceedings.


Following a broad consultation, the European Commission presented, on 13 December 2012, its proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) n°1346/2000 on insolvency proceedings. Ten years after the Regulation's entry into force, the Commission has deemed it necessary to amend it in order to solve difficulties related to its practical implementation.


There is no equivalent to the English law concept of trust under French law.  This means that where a syndicated loan is to be secured by French obligors, security interests must generally be granted independently to each member of the syndicate (there will be a list of pledgees contained in the security document).  Any change to that group of lenders would generally entail the transfer of the French law security to each new lender.


Decree n°2012-1190 dated 25 October 2012 (JORF n°0251 dated 27 October 2012) issued for the implementation of Law n°2012-346 dated 12 March 2012 sets out the rules for implementing conservatory measures within safeguard, reorganisation or liquidation proceedings.


Decree n°2011-236 of 3 March 2011 (OJ of 4 March 2011) details the so-called sauvegarde financière accélérée introduced by Law n°2010-1249 of 22 October 2010 (OJ of 23 October 2010) (


Law n°2011-331 dated 28 March 2011 (OJ of 29 March 2011) relating to modernising the legal professions includes the creation of a secure Internet portal aiming at relaxing the formalities related to insolvency. This national portal will allow the sending and reception of legal proceedings documents, including statements of claim.


Decree n°2012-1190 dated 25 October 2012 (JORF n°0251 dated 27 October 2012) issued for the implementation of Law n°2012-346 dated 12 March 2012 sets out the rules for implementing conservatory measures within safeguard, reorganisation or liquidation proceedings.


Law n°2011-331 dated 28 March 2011 (OJ of 29 March 2011) relating to modernising the legal professions includes the creation of a secure Internet portal aiming at relaxing the formalities related to insolvency. This national portal will allow the sending and reception of legal proceedings documents, including statements of claim.


Decree n°2011-236 of 3 March 2011 (OJ of 4 March 2011) details the so-called sauvegarde financière accélérée introduced by Law n°2010-1249 of 22 October 2010 (OJ of 23 October 2010) (


Following a broad consultation, the European Commission presented, on 13 December 2012, its proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) n°1346/2000 on insolvency proceedings. Ten years after the Regulation's entry into force, the Commission has deemed it necessary to amend it in order to solve difficulties related to its practical implementation.
